Friday, January 31, 2014

Malloy's Major Mistake!

 In an attempt to buy the elections he has provided the funds for the Pro America, Pro Gun, Pro Constitution voters to support their choices. To put their money where their mouths are and donate this $55 dollars which is their money to start with to the CT Pro America and Freedom Candidate of their choice or to the CCDL or the Vote No for Dan Malloy org. Just keep the money in CT and defeat the socialists. Some come on are you people gonna put your money where your mouths are or are you all talk. November will tell!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Candidate Qualifications

I believe it is time we start taking a hard look at the qualifications of our elected public servants well prior to election day. One major detrimental qualification would be a job history of only elected governmental service. That would show me this person was never held accountable for anything. They never had to practice fiscal responsibility. Budgets meant nothing just increase taxes. Make a mistake don't worry the PR firm will explain to the public how it wasn't your mistake. Never worry about retirement you don't have to retire and if you lose an election you become a lobbyist for more money. If you make your way to the federal level you get the same pay including raises and health benefits for the rest of your life whether you serve one term or multiple. What reason do these people have to be fiscally responsible? What reason do they have to protect American Taxpayers? They are set for life and there is nothing we their employers can do about it right now. What we can do in the future is vote in people who have spent years in private sector as managers where they learned and practiced fiscal responsibility. People who understand budgets and follow them. People who think as we do that term limits are needed for every elected position. That you should not get a retirement package from an elected position. People who will put the wallets and bank accounts of the American Taxpayer over and above illegals, foreign aid, business bailouts. People who will keep their oath to follow and defend the U.S. Constitution.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Out of control government spending

A pension of $276,364.00 per year for a civil servant! Do we need more proof that government spending or mismanagement of taxpayers dollars is completely out of control? One problem I see that contributes to this is our elected/appointed public servants have no accountability. They enter into agreements and contracts behind closed doors with public unions, with state contractors. This needs to stop. All negotiations that spend taxpayers money must be opened to public and the media no exceptions. All binding arbitrations, any action that spends taxpayers money must be open to be viewed by the public. Our public/civil servants treat all tax dollars as “Government” money when it is not. The government has no money of it's own all it is has are tax dollars taken from working people and businesses. Our civil and public servants use euphemisms such as grant, rainy day fund to obscure the fact all monies spent by the government are taxpayers dollars. All elected public servants who continue to treat the taxpayer's paychecks as an unlimited ATM need to be held accountable and be voted out of office and replaced by people who will institute true fiscal responsibility not just mouth the words.