Monday, May 31, 2010


If socialism/communism is a better form of government then the capitalistic form we have in the United States of America, why do average citizens of countries such as Cuba and the former USSR, China and many other nations risk everything and their lives to get here?

I'm sure for the ruling elite of those countries it is an excellent form of government. They squash free speech, dissension, independence, the ability to make a better life for yourself and your family all to keep themselves in power. Sound familiar? Look at the main players in our government today. The majority are millionaires. The majority are in favor of any legislation that takes the power of governing the people out of the hands of the people and putting it in their hands. What happened to "a government by the people, for the people and of the people"?

Can any supporter of the current trend in America explain to me and perhaps millions of other Americans why the form of government (less intrusion in personal lives) the belief in a Christian God, a capitalistic form of business that together have created the greatest nation in the history of the world. A nation that took in legal immigrants from all countries, a nation that holds freedom to worship the religion of your choice an inalienable right, a business climate that lead to some if not most of the greatest discoveries and technological advances in history should be destroyed?

I don't believe it can be explained.

I think what we have is a self perceived elite class of politicians who have forgotten they derive their power from the people and do nothing more than enact laws and regulations to perpetuate their dominance over American citizens. It is time for Americans who believe in America to take back our country, to hold accountable those politicians who do not respect, honor, follow and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and vote them out of office in November and to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence "put in their place such people who will respect, honor, follow, and defend the Constitution" there-by bringing back the free America countless millions have died and are dying to defend.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Disgusting Insurance Practice

Heard something interesting from my agent for my bike. It appears that in the next 15 months or so if you don't use the internet and email to receive all your policy info and to pay your bill electronically you will be put in the CT Assigned Risk Pool. Not because of your driving history but how you pay your bills. It appears checks and receiving mail is not approved by the insurance industry.


As of now this is suppose to only affect the "recreational vehicles" motorcycles, ATVs, boats stuff like that. How long do you think it will be before the insurance companies force you to do that for your car? I mean to pay an "Assigned Risk" rate like a drunk driver, or an accident prone person just because you want to write checks? Disgusting and if our legislature lets this happen well fill in the blank on what should happen to them.


Oh yeah those of you who don't insure recreational vehicles sit back and say it won't happen to me just watch. And what happens when seniors who are on fixed incomes have their rates doubled or tripled because they are not computer savvy.


The media should jump all over this, as well as all of you.