Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Jodi Rell the Incompotent

Does this governor have any idea what she's doing? We go from a large surplus, to no surplus, to a deficit and now back to a small surplus. I know that wouldn't be tolerated in the private sector.What about the cost overruns at the rail center. Didn't it almost double the cost? How about the failure to supervise the work on 84 in Waterbury and Cheshire where the contractor didn't connect the storm drains. What happened to the DOT personnel who didn't supervise it? They proved they couldn't supervise the number of people they had, so they get rewarded by being given more people not to supervise. Connecticut receives $90 million plus a month from the casinos that's a billion dollars a year where does that go? Why is Lisa Moody still being paid by the state after her election ethics problems? What happened to the DEP personnel who arrested Rell's son while Rowland was Governor? I heard they were fired after she came into power I don't know if this is true.She is great at photo ops she should be in Hollywood. But as far as being the CEO of a state not in my mind. Don't forget politicians don't need brains,ethics or morals all they need is to photograph well and be able to read speeches or memorize answers to questions. I don't think she's qualified to be a Walmart greeter.

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