Public service unions need to be outlawed. They are nothing more than a bought of voting block to keep a certain party in power at the expense of the CT taxpayers. I worked in a company that had a union. One day just talking with some of the union officers over coffee a new tax increase came up and surprisingly the union guys blamed the public service unions. I listened and asked why they don’t support them. Their answer was logical and true. When private sector unions negotiate the need to keep in mind they need to keep the business running and if the prices go to high the business could fail and they could all lose their jobs. We sold internationally as well as domestic and that was always kept in mind not to cost the company business. However public service unions don’t operate that way. All they care about is giving power to the party that gives them the most money and benefits. They don’t care if they bankrupt or drive out of state businesses or what the new increases do to those on fixed income. It’s all about greed for them and keeping a certain party in power. Also with all the laws passed to protect workers why are unions needed. All I see is that they protect the lazy and the slugs. Drive past any work zone and see all the people just standing around doing nothing except getting paid out of tax dollars. Outlaw them!!!
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