Friday, January 3, 2025

Tea Party Time?


It is time to look at how our elected public and civil servants are destroying the American Dream.

Income tax state and federal, sales taxes in some cases city. Separate tax on gasoline and tires along with sales tax. Yearly property taxes on homes and vehicles. Taxes on savings,on retirement savings, Social Security, owning a business corporation or LLC. Why not one large tax? Because that would probably cause a modern day Tea Party when people saw what percentage of their pay was stolen from them.

Don’t forget the casinos and lotto.

Fees: why do we need fees when we pay taxes? Registering your vehicle every 2 years also your drivers license why? Just to employ people who will vote for the party giving them the raises and pensions. A bought and paid voting block. A property tax so why an additional fee for a permit to work on your property. Since the property is ours why do we need a permit at all? Fees to go on our beaches, forests and more. Why can they limit when we can go there it is our property not the governments? Why tolls with vehicle, gas and tire taxes? Why hunting and fishing licenses when it is our property. Hunting license because you need a course to do it safely but it the course will cost but the license should be free. The Right to own and Bear Arms it is a Right under the U.S. Constitution why do we have to pay for a permit? We don’t pay to exercise our Right to Vote.

Why do we need full time paid elected representatives inventing more laws for a Free People.

Why useless and duplicate government agencies that are writing regulations that are not voted on by our representatives, yet come with fines, penalties just like laws, the regulations should be illegal.

Why are our taxes given to foreign countries and wars also to local and foreign charities and Americans who need the aid like the victims of Helene are ignored.

It is time for all Legal Americans to stand up vote, contact our representatives and take back America lower our taxes, fees and shutdown useless controlling agencies.

It seems we are getting closer to being a communist country like North Korea or China every new law or regulation that is past.

It is time for term limits and to have our Elected Public Servants/Representatives actually represent the Legal American Citizens.