Once again the insatiable bottomless
pit of the government is looking to increase revenues without
decreasing spending. They want to again put tolls on interstates and
who is to say they will stop at those roads? Why should Americans
have to pay the government to travel? I thought the gas taxes, motor
vehicle fees, and the normal sales and income taxes were set up to
pay for needed services? Maintaining roads is definitely a necessary
service. Please don't tell me the owners and drivers of personal
vehicles need to pay their fair share of maintaining the roads
because we already do with the above mentioned taxes and fees.
Let us get mass transit to pay for
itself. Stop the taxpayers subsidizes and have the users pay for
it. It is not equitable to tax owners of private vehicles who don't
use mass transit to support it and then to tax them again to drive on
the same roads mass transit drives on which they have already paid
taxes on to maintain.
The government needs to stop raising
taxes, to stop with the freebies. A person who does not work is not
entitled to or deserve they housing, clothing, food or lifestyle of
those that work for what they have. A person using mass transit
should have to pay what it costs to operate the system. What the
socialist Malloy and his followers paid and are paying for a busway
to nowhere would go a long way to maintaining our roads.
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