Saturday, June 1, 2013

Malloy's friends?? Or fiends??

They say you learn a lot about a person from their friends. I think you learn a lot more about a person from who their enemies are. Enemies are real and defined you don't say you are someone's enemy unless it is 100% true. That being said the moral and ethical fiber of a persons enemies tells you what the person is like and it's usually 100% the opposite, this is one time those 2 don't attract. That being said look at malloy's enemies. Usually honest, hard working, taxpaying legal citizens, or the type of people most of us would like to call friends. So who are his friends? Or does he have any? Are the people most thought of to be his friends just users like him? Using him to legalize their criminal behavior? Using him to continue using welfare as a career choice? Doesn't sound like anyone I'd want to be my friend. But hey he's malloy a legend in his own mind and if being known to be the same as the people others think are his friends he's happy far be it from me to deny him his right to be thought of as a criminal or moocher or other useless dreg of society.

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