Crime seems to be getting worse and the cops can't be everywhere to protect people, people need to start being able to protect themselves and their loved ones. Just think had a someone being carrying a gun maybe that preacher would still be alive, maybe those 10 people wouldn't have been killed because someone could have defended themselves. Criminals love gun control because it makes honest taxpaying citizens nothing more then prey.I say if you are not a felon and over 18 years (military age) you should just be able to walk in a gun store buy a gun and strap it on and walk out. All the store should have to do is run your name thru the cops. No gun registration, no permits, just like the old west when women and kids were safe anywhere because the criminals knew that anyone could be armed.And if a taxpaying citizen shoots a criminal in the commission of a crime no arrest, no lawsuits just file it under did society a favor and get on with life.
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