Two Party System?
It is so sad that in a country with approximately 300 million people we can't find qualified candidates for the Presidency.
One candidate and his advisers don't have the experience for the job. They keep pushing change, change, and change without putting forth any solid plans.
One candidate could be Lenin or Marx reincarnated.
One candidate has so little control of his temper that 3 and 4 star generals have come out against him.
Why don't candidates with the qualifications needed to return the United States to greatness run?
I think for several reasons and they are as follows;
If we are a true democracy why are we locked into a 2 party system? I know some will say we have the independents but they are not a party (how can you be member of something when you are independent?) and the Green Party. But as far as the lobbyists and the money to run a campaign goes only the 2 parties receive these "donations". Our 2 parties are so entrenched in the government that no one else has a chance. We should do away with private funding of campaigns which only leads to favors owed to the contributors and have the government for all elections from local to federal put up the funds to candidates who come up with enough signatures. They would not be able to spend more than they are given. Surprise, a level playing field, you know our two parties won't go for this but I put it out there let's hear their excuses.
The media is a big problem as they now believe they are king makers and the voting public a group of morons who should do what the people on TV tell them too. The media also tells us what the candidates mean when they say something. Guess what I can hear, and think so I do know what they said I don't need a media spin positive or negative. If they like a candidate most everything is positive and when they don't like they candidate it's negative. Whatever happened to responsible objective journalism in all forms of media?
Digging up dirt is another big issue. I believe that all people have skeletons in their attics. Most crimes have a statue of limitations so should how far you can look into a candidates past. I don't know a single person whose behavior, views or ideals are the same as a year ago or 30 years. We all grow and evolve and change our minds and positions as times, laws, and dreams change. So unless it's a felony conviction you shouldn't be able to go back more than 10 years with 1 exception and that is if they have been an elected official their public record would be open as far back as it goes.
I feel these ideas are just the tip of the iceberg as far as needed campaign reform goes. Hopefully these will be seeds that will lead to the taxpaying voters taking back control of the government and once again making the United States of America the greatest country history has ever seen.
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