Sunday, February 2, 2025

Open Government


I want to know how any government agency with the exception of ongoing criminal investigations or actions requiring a security clearance can hold an executive session where we The People their employers are refused entry and not allowed in and the same for the media. These should be outlawed! These people work for us, and we have every Right to know what they are doing. This is especially true when they hold closed door executive sessions when negotiating contracts with unions, and to to purchase anything. This is our money they are spending and We The People Have a Right to be in these meetings! Time to take back control of our Elected Public Servants and Civil Servants and our Freedom!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Outlaw Public service unions

 Public service unions need to be outlawed. They are nothing more than a bought of voting block to keep a certain party in power at the expense of the CT taxpayers. I worked in a company that had a union. One day just talking with some of the union officers over coffee a new tax increase came up and surprisingly the union guys blamed the public service unions. I listened and asked why they don’t support them. Their answer was logical and true. When private sector unions negotiate the need to keep in mind they need to keep the business running and if the prices go to high the business could fail and they could all lose their jobs. We sold internationally as well as domestic and that was always kept in mind not to cost the company business. However public service unions don’t operate that way. All they care about is giving power to the party that gives them the most money and benefits. They don’t care if they bankrupt or drive out of state businesses or what the new increases do to those on fixed income. It’s all about greed for them and keeping a certain party in power. Also with all the laws passed to protect workers why are unions needed. All I see is that they protect the lazy and the slugs. Drive past any work zone and see all the people just standing around doing nothing except getting paid out of tax dollars. Outlaw them!!!

Friday, January 3, 2025

Tea Party Time?


It is time to look at how our elected public and civil servants are destroying the American Dream.

Income tax state and federal, sales taxes in some cases city. Separate tax on gasoline and tires along with sales tax. Yearly property taxes on homes and vehicles. Taxes on savings,on retirement savings, Social Security, owning a business corporation or LLC. Why not one large tax? Because that would probably cause a modern day Tea Party when people saw what percentage of their pay was stolen from them.

Don’t forget the casinos and lotto.

Fees: why do we need fees when we pay taxes? Registering your vehicle every 2 years also your drivers license why? Just to employ people who will vote for the party giving them the raises and pensions. A bought and paid voting block. A property tax so why an additional fee for a permit to work on your property. Since the property is ours why do we need a permit at all? Fees to go on our beaches, forests and more. Why can they limit when we can go there it is our property not the governments? Why tolls with vehicle, gas and tire taxes? Why hunting and fishing licenses when it is our property. Hunting license because you need a course to do it safely but it the course will cost but the license should be free. The Right to own and Bear Arms it is a Right under the U.S. Constitution why do we have to pay for a permit? We don’t pay to exercise our Right to Vote.

Why do we need full time paid elected representatives inventing more laws for a Free People.

Why useless and duplicate government agencies that are writing regulations that are not voted on by our representatives, yet come with fines, penalties just like laws, the regulations should be illegal.

Why are our taxes given to foreign countries and wars also to local and foreign charities and Americans who need the aid like the victims of Helene are ignored.

It is time for all Legal Americans to stand up vote, contact our representatives and take back America lower our taxes, fees and shutdown useless controlling agencies.

It seems we are getting closer to being a communist country like North Korea or China every new law or regulation that is past.

It is time for term limits and to have our Elected Public Servants/Representatives actually represent the Legal American Citizens.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Stand up for Seniors


AG Tong, Gov. Lamont and the rest of our public servants were elected to represent the legal American Citizens of CT and so were our federal senators and congressmen. Keeping that in mind why do these representatives stand up for illegals and ignore Americans. Especially seniors.

Seniors some of whom have been paying taxes and into their social security for over 5 decades (50 years).

Yet their average social security payment is less then a combination of welfare, food stamps, housing and SNAP that illegals and people who have never contributed to collect.

If the money removed from our paychecks had been given to us to properly invest or had it been properly invested by the government we probably could retire close to millionaires, just like our representatives do. The average life expectancy for an American is 79.5 years. This means you would only collect SS for about 14 years but worked 50 years for that. However our elected public servants retire from elected positions with full pay and health benefits, why are they allowed this? Also our representatives did not save our money and properly invest it. They have used our money for other things such as foreign aid to help citizens of other countries rather than providing for Americans retirement as we were told it would be used for. It is time we start getting our money back.

Next seniors having been paying into Medicare all their lives and it is still being taken out of their social security payments. Yet the 3 things most seniors need are covered by Husky for illegals, and welfare recipients who have not contributed to it but not covered by medicare, and those are dental, vision and hearing.

In addition we are taxed on our gross pay both federally and state prior to our money being taken out for social security and medicare and then we are taxed again when we receive our social security payments and medicare does not cover our healthcare anywhere near 100%.And again our representatives are covered. This cause seniors to lose their houses, their savings their retirement and more.

It is time We The People elect Representatives who actually Represent the Legal American Taxpaying Citizens. Not illegals, foreign countries, welfare recipients but Americans who have stood tall did their best to Live the American Dream and contributed to America.

Jim Neilson

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Ameicans for Americans !!!


Millions of Americans have had their American Dream destroyed through no fault of their own. Hurricane Helene in making landfall killed over 100 people, destroyed homes and businesses roads, bridges farms and more for millions of American Citizens in FL, GA, NC, TN,SC with damage estimates at $160 billion dollars so far.

We give out over $224 billion as foreign aid not counting military assistance a year. All this money comes from US taxpayers and none of it is repaid. We also have politicians wanting to forgive student loans at the expense of taxpayers.

I say it is time for America to put Americans First! Since we US taxpayers through out history have given out trillions of dollars and never receiving any repayment I say it is time for all Foreign aid to stop and the hundreds of billions of dollars go to all the American Citizens and states. So they can rebuild their homes, businesses roads and everything else that needs to be done and that these American Citizens do not have to pay back cent of this money just as foreign countries never have to pay it back. It is Americans taking care of Americans. This will keep insurance companies in business with no need to raise rates skyhigh to recoup their losses. It will get towns, cities and states going again without having to raise taxes and further hurt the American Citizens. It would work by having the people file insurance claims with their agencies and those agencies would confirm the damage costs and then checks would be sent to the contractors once the work was completed. Also, since we would be using money already set aside in the budget for foreign aid there is no reason for any tax increase. Let those countries who have been living off the American Taxpayer for years find some other country to help them or cut their own budget.

I now call upon our Elected Public Servants to do what they were elected to do and that is take care of Americans First by passing this aid package.

If any Elected American Public Servant does not back this taking care of Americans First they need to be voted out of office or impeached.

So please anyone reading this call your Senator, Congressman and tell them to stand up for American and Americans.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Forcing us on drugs

 Are China, Bill Gates and other countries and companies buying US farmland to stop producing as much healthy natural foods, blueberries, cherries and more to prevent us from staying healthy naturally and force us on drugs? Also are they spraying these plants with poisons that will sicken us and force us on drugs so as Bill Gates said they can control the population with vaccines and drugs?

Gun laws don't work

 Guns do not murder, people murder and use whatever method they choose, should we outlaw hammers, baseball bats, rolling pins and more, oh and let’s not forget the people who use drugs to give overdoses. Shouldn’t all medications in a house be required by law to be locked up like guns so children or the mentally unstable can’t get them? Criminals don’t follow laws and prison sentences should be a lot longer and harder. Since owning and bearing arms is a U.S. Constitutional Right I don’t understand how states can force us to apply and pay for a permit to exercise a Constitutional Right. That being said I think that if a “permit” is required then a Honorable Discharge (DD214) from the U.S. Military as long as the person has not had a felony arrest should be all the individual needs to carry a weapon anywhere in the USA. All veterans were train in the safe use of them and active duty personnel carry them every day in America. In addition all Veterans swore an Oath to Defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and that Oath has no expiration date and allowing them to carry weapons helps us be prepared for an invasion. Japanese Admiral Yamamoto said they would not invade the US in WWII because there would be a gun behind every tree and blade of grass. It is time we follow the U.S. Constitution, and stop coddling criminals with short jail times and more.