Thursday, October 3, 2024

Ameicans for Americans !!!


Millions of Americans have had their American Dream destroyed through no fault of their own. Hurricane Helene in making landfall killed over 100 people, destroyed homes and businesses roads, bridges farms and more for millions of American Citizens in FL, GA, NC, TN,SC with damage estimates at $160 billion dollars so far.

We give out over $224 billion as foreign aid not counting military assistance a year. All this money comes from US taxpayers and none of it is repaid. We also have politicians wanting to forgive student loans at the expense of taxpayers.

I say it is time for America to put Americans First! Since we US taxpayers through out history have given out trillions of dollars and never receiving any repayment I say it is time for all Foreign aid to stop and the hundreds of billions of dollars go to all the American Citizens and states. So they can rebuild their homes, businesses roads and everything else that needs to be done and that these American Citizens do not have to pay back cent of this money just as foreign countries never have to pay it back. It is Americans taking care of Americans. This will keep insurance companies in business with no need to raise rates skyhigh to recoup their losses. It will get towns, cities and states going again without having to raise taxes and further hurt the American Citizens. It would work by having the people file insurance claims with their agencies and those agencies would confirm the damage costs and then checks would be sent to the contractors once the work was completed. Also, since we would be using money already set aside in the budget for foreign aid there is no reason for any tax increase. Let those countries who have been living off the American Taxpayer for years find some other country to help them or cut their own budget.

I now call upon our Elected Public Servants to do what they were elected to do and that is take care of Americans First by passing this aid package.

If any Elected American Public Servant does not back this taking care of Americans First they need to be voted out of office or impeached.

So please anyone reading this call your Senator, Congressman and tell them to stand up for American and Americans.