Where are Sharpton and Jackson? Have they broken with obama? Here are 2 Americans and their followers who have fought for decades for an America they feel should be there. They fought against racism and in the minds of some they were racists in their own right, but through it all they supported the American dream. The dream that let everyone, have a chance at wealth, security, pride no matter their race, gender or ethnic background. So where are they?
Is it because they believe in America and the American dream not obama/pelosi's dream of socialism/communism that they have been banished? Bill Aayers Weather Underground is right in there with obama when the secret service would not have let him near any previous president. In the obama administration I wouldn't be surprised to find out he has his own office and parking space at the White House. Makes sense since it doesn't appear that the current inhabitant of the White House supports anything resembling freedom or the American dream.
Look at all the CZARS appointed. WHY? People in private sector are losing their jobs and pay and here obama is wasting more tax money to feed his ego and pay off political favors. Why aren't any of these CZARS vetted by Congress? Why should people who are in no way accountable to the American people be paid by them and rule over them as czars did in Russia?
But back to the original question where are Sharpton and Jackson? Why weren't they appointed to any position in the obama administration. Again is it because they support a free America for all races and obama only wants a subservient America answerable to him?
Time for patriots to step up to the plate and tell any elected official if they continue supporting oabama in his anti American policies they will be voted out of office.