Saturday, May 8, 2010

Disgusting Insurance Practice

Heard something interesting from my agent for my bike. It appears that in the next 15 months or so if you don't use the internet and email to receive all your policy info and to pay your bill electronically you will be put in the CT Assigned Risk Pool. Not because of your driving history but how you pay your bills. It appears checks and receiving mail is not approved by the insurance industry.


As of now this is suppose to only affect the "recreational vehicles" motorcycles, ATVs, boats stuff like that. How long do you think it will be before the insurance companies force you to do that for your car? I mean to pay an "Assigned Risk" rate like a drunk driver, or an accident prone person just because you want to write checks? Disgusting and if our legislature lets this happen well fill in the blank on what should happen to them.


Oh yeah those of you who don't insure recreational vehicles sit back and say it won't happen to me just watch. And what happens when seniors who are on fixed incomes have their rates doubled or tripled because they are not computer savvy.


The media should jump all over this, as well as all of you.

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