Friday, March 20, 2009

Why not tax religion?

Why not tax religion. Don’t say the first amendment says you can’t because it doesn’t. The first amendment prohibits congress from making any laws that prohibits or restricts the practice of a religion it does not prohibit taxing religion. That same amendment protects the freedom of the press and speech yet each are taxed. No sales tax on newspapers or other media yet all the equipment and raw material used in the production is taxed. Free speech is taxed, try to make a phone call without paying taxes, which may actually be illegal since it restricts the use of a phone to someone who can afford the taxes, which possibly could be applied to the press since if they can’t afford the taxes that is a restriction placed against them by the government. Don't forget paying for an assembly/parade permit.Religions use the services of the government why should they be free?Besides organized religions mainly the Christians are doing their best to control the US government and all the citizens by having their supporters vote in their religious rules as secular law, which to me is not right. If I want to follow Christian doctrine I’ll become one. So to these religious leaders it not alright for the government to tax them or tell them what to do but it is ok for them to shove their religion down others throats through secular law. I don’t think they should have it both ways. They want to make laws they pay taxes. They keep their religion out of secular law we leave things alone. What do you think?

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